OK, I'll be starting my first attempt at a bicycle ride across the country tomorrow. I'll be riding with around 65 other bicyclists. My bicycle, a purple and pearl white Serotta, is assembled and sitting next to me. The supply trucks look well stocked with Pop-Tarts, cereal, Gatorade, peanuts, and countless other goodies favored by ravenous hungry riders. This ride is going to be a great excuse to gorge myself to keep the fire fueled to do the 3100 miles over the next 25 days.
We have been warned numerous times to take it easy for the first few days. I am going to control myself, as much as I want to show everyone who's who. The real show will be who is still standing on October the 4th in Charleston, SC.
San Diego is beautiful like always, the huge blue sky settled over the dry brown hills and deep blue water. California is a very beautiful place. Tomorrow will take us over the hills into the hot stagnant desert air of the valley. We will then have a few more long days in the desert. Keeping water in the system is paramount.
The day begins tomorrow at 6am. After today, I'll be sending out daily status reports, with start and end towns, mileage, conditions, how much was eaten, how I felt, etc.