Today started out with a nice climb up to 8000 feet (we started well above 6000 though). Rode part of the climb with Mike from California. At the first stop, recharged with some food - I'm getting a thing for Pringles - and Coke. Since today was going to mostly up and down, I figured I would ride alone. The next section was basically a screaming downhill into Durango. There were some slack jawed Billy Bob types in some of the pickups passing us. But everyone gave us a pretty good berth when passing.
After Durango, some more slow rollers into the countryside. Cows and horses were in fields next to the road. Tall mountains loomed everywhere as we snaked through valleys between them. Large billowy clouds hovered around some peaks, looking threatening, casting their shadows down their sides. There can be very localized weather patterns on mountains; hopefully we won't get caught in any.
Lunch was hamburgers! I woofed down two pickle, tomato, lettuce, and onion laden burgers and pondered getting a third. Phil from Florida did not ponder and helped himself to his third. Bisti the Pactour mascot dog got a burger dropped by the cook. Bisti likes burgers!
Left and we had more of the up and down. We had gone off the main road Route 160 on some back roads; they were pleasantly lightly traveled and very scenic. Pulling up to the last rest stop in the shadow of Chimney Rock, we were almost done. More grape soda, some chocolate chip cookies, watermelon, and Pringles. The last section had some climbing. Stopped at a historical marker before town. It was the spot where a frontiersman fought an Indian in a knife fight to settle a land dispute (the Indian lost - sorry!).
Tomorrow is the dreaded Wolf Creek Pass at 10,800 feet. Someone said it already has snowed up there. Keith has been up it on his motorcycle, and says the only thing he was thinking of when he went up it was how un-fun it would be to do on a bicycle. Lon said there might be a semi official race after the first checkpoint up the pass, at mile 18. Mile 26 is the summit, and we then drop to 4000 feet. This is going to be a fun downhill.